A series of 20 works inspired by key moments in the history of life, the universe and human development

a conceptual illustration of the beginning of the universe

The Beginning

c. 13,800,000,000 Years Ago

illustration of the formation of the solar system

The Formation of the Solar System

c. 4,571,000,000 Years Ago

illustration of the hadean era. conceptual art

The Hadean

4,000,000,000 - 2,500,000,000 Years Ago

conceptual art and illustration of the archean era

The Archean

4,000,000,000 - 2,500,000,000 Years Ago

conceptual illustration and art of the ediacaran

The Ediacaran

635,000,000 - 541,000,000 Years Ago

an illustration of the Cambrian explosion

The Cambrian Explosion

541,000,000 - 485,400,000 Years Ago

tiktaalik illustration


c. 380,000,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration showing the first trees on earth, conceptual art

The First Forests

c. 380,000,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration of the k-t extinction event

The K-T Extinction Event

c. 65,000,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration showing Australopithicus Afarensis and it's environment

Australopithicus Afarensis

c. 3,850,000 - 2,950,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration showing homo Erectus cooking, science art

Homo Erectus, the First Cooks

c. 1,900,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration of mitochondrial eve, science art

Mitochondrial Eve

c. 170,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration of a neanderthal cave painting, science art

The First Artist

c. 65,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration of a mammoth hunt, science art

Mammoth Hunt

c. 45,000 Years Ago

Illustration of a neanderthal dreaming

Neanderthal Dreaming

c. 45,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration of the domestication of the gray wolf

The Domestication of the Gray Wolf

c. 23,000 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration of the agricultural revolution

The Agricultural Revolution

c. 12,500 Years Ago

a conceptual illustration art of the Anthropocene

The Anthropocene

c. 8,000 Years Ago - Unknown

Finding Earth 2.0Unknown

Finding Earth 2.0


a conceptual illustration art of the death of the sun

The Death of the Sun

c. 5,000,000,000 - 8,000,000,000 Years from now


These pieces were created for my solo exhibition, DEEP TIME, shown at the Coningsby Gallery in London in 2018


Scientific American


Science News